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jeweltreeIn 2011 Inspira was appointed as supplier to the Jeweltree Foundation. Currently we provide Jeweltree and other Ethical jewellers with diamond goods from two mine origins: Australia and Canada.

This involved being investigated by the Foundations Management to determine our methods of traceability, supplier connections etc, including investigation Into polishing procedures of the suppliers we work with.

We are happy to say we were Jeweltree approved and moved into working with the International base of Jeweltree customers providing them with diamond product from mine sources that are proven ethical Supply sources in terms of:

social responsibility of mining; providing for local workers and community at the mine.

environmental responsibility of mining: environmental plans to rehabilitate the mine sites.

employment conditions of mining and polishing: providing indigenous and fair employment practices.

ethical business practice of mining and polishing – contribution to royalties and taxes to the Government.

As the impetus of ethical gem sourcing grows then the role that Inspira plays in the supply chain gains momentum as well.